lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

The person most important in the dentistry

Hello people today I will talk about one person that I like He is Dr. G.V.Black.

Dr. G, V. Black born in 1836 in Illinois, USA, He studied Medicine when he was 17-year whit the help of him brother. Later he met in 1857 to Dr.Jc Seepr who teaching about dentistry.
Dr. G.V. Black is very important for the dentistry because he developed the basis of modern dentistry. One thing he created was the classification of dental caries.

His classification of dental caries still is in use  He divided the dental caries in six categories depending it localization. 
Class 1: Dental caries in the  occlusal face of the back tooth

Class 2: Dental caries in the  proximal face of the back tooth

 Class 3: Dental caries in the  Proximal face of front tooth without damage in the angle

 Class 4: Dental caires in the Proximal face of front tooth with damage in the angle

Class 5: Dental caries in the 1/3 gingival of all tooth

Class 6: Dental caries in the apax of the tooth.

I like this person because is a revolutionary in the dentistry and although he studied medicine he was the person most important in the modern dentistry.  

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