martes, 9 de abril de 2019

My autobiography

My name is Felipe Catalán Poblete but my friends call me for my nickname, Felix, for affecttion and to be able to differentiate myself from of other guys with the same name.

My father was born in Santigo of Chile and studied chemistry in the Universidad  de la Serena. My mother was born in Chillan. They met in chillan for motives of work of my father and in this place i was born on 16 octubre 1999. I lived in chillan for a short time because for motive of work of my father, I move to Salvador in the north of Chile and in a couple years I changed againg to another city in the north , Diego de Almagro.

 Actually I live in Rancagua but for motive of study in the week live in santiago of chile and in the weekend I travel to my home in Rancagua with my family.

 I Studied  middle school in rancagua of chile in Liceo Oscar Castro Zuñiga . There I developed my biggest hobbie, the music, since i could meet friends who were passionate about the same thing as me. With them I was able to form a band where I participated as a vocalist, keyboardist and saxophonist.

Today,I study dentistry in the Universidad de Chile since last year, and I hope to work soon as a dentist.

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