lunes, 8 de julio de 2019

My blogging experience

Hello people, Today I will talk about my experience writing blogs in this web site.

In personal I really like to write, but in Spanish. In the pass write story’s and although is different this experience is similar, because I can express my opinions.

Although write in English is my weakness I thinks that this blog helps me for can write better. In the pass I write worse that now, and so sorry if me verbal time not are the correct.

This method of the blogs is fun but very limited because not evaluate other skill more that write. I think that it should include more interactive activities and talk about current issues and be able to discuss with other people and as a forum.

Although the topics in the blogs of this semesters the were interesting. I would have liked to be able to scrutinize more about my literary and musical tasted.

The last blog I really like because I left open to write about things of reaction that I like as it was a TV series.

And in the future, I would like to be able to write about oral pathology that is a topic I really love.